Basic Skills
Small tasks, independency, readiness are few words which describe basic skills required in our life. Popkorn has broad and balanced curriculum which satisfies curiosity and gives sense of responsibility and achievement through well designed worksheets and activities. These skills work as readiness to understand future concepts which help children to build concrete foundation.
Cognitive Skills
Cognition is responsible for understanding the world and actions. At Popkorn we have unique product which is designed keeping this development in mind. We have set of worksheets and books where children perform tasks from simplest to most complex.
Language Skills
Speech, Language & Communication skills are very important. Language has huge impact on child development. At Popkorn we have designed our curriculum in a way where all the 4 aspects i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing are covered effectively. Phonics, games, AR App helps for better learning.
Numeracy Skills
Numeracy is ability to apply concepts of Math in all the areas of life. Measurement, Sorting, Patterns, Counting and Analyzing are elements of Math. The Magic of number can be spread and built in early years if taught effectively. Popkorn has covered age appropriate Math concepts and designed beautiful games where Math is fun for children.
Environmental Skills
Education about surroundings provides an important foundation of experiences and satisfy the curiosity of children. Our World Around Us Series (Book of Environmental Concepts) covers all the topics which make sense at this tender age. It helps children to make real life connection, gamification help children to recall and remember the things. This series is best platform where children observe and explore the world.